Yan Han's blog

On Computer Technology

11 Aug 2017

The best way to install python on Mac OS X

NOTE: This post is pretty much opinion based on my own experience. Also take note of the date it was written because thi...
10 Aug 2017

Haskell: demystifying composing compose with compose

Problem Statement Figure out the type of the following Haskell code, why it has that type, and what it does: (.) . (.) S...
02 Jul 2017

haskell-vim-now / ghcmod-vim: Resolving 'ghcmod#command#type Cannot guess type' errors

NOTE: This post features a very hacky way to work around things which will likely never be merged into the ghcmod-vim pr...
01 Apr 2017

Reproducing "What Programming Languages Are Used Most on Weekends?"

reproducing-what-programming-languages-are-used-most-on-weekends /*! * * Twitter Bootstrap * */ /*! * Bootstrap v3.3....
15 Feb 2017

Analysis of the Adult data set from UCI Machine Learning Repository

uci-ml-adult-dataset /*! * * Twitter Bootstrap * */ /*! * Bootstrap v3.3.7 (http://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-...
01 Feb 2017

My first Machine Learning project: Using Naive Bayes to classify tweets

Source code: https://gist.github.com/yanhan/d9061c9575d14228d2a9ecc9519a55aa Before we go into the main content of this ...
01 Aug 2016

My notes on: Job Bouwman's answer to "What is the toughest question ever asked in any interview?"

A while back, this answer by Job Bouwman appeared in my Quora digest and I enjoyed reading it (Thank you Job!) so much t...
10 Apr 2016

How to prevent mpd from starting on boot on Ubuntu 14.04

mpd refers to the Music Player Daemon, whose official website is at https://www.musicpd.org/ TLDR On the command line, r...
25 Dec 2015

On the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode by Aaron Maxwell

A few weeks ago, I chanced upon a blog post by Aaron Maxwell of redsymbol.net, titled Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mod...
12 Dec 2015

Templating Ansible style YAML files with only variables

Introduction Suppose you are working on a project in Ansible and you need want to combine some YAML files which contain ...